About Us

About Traditions Transitional Living Phoenix, Arizona

Who We Are

Traditions Transitional Living

We want to enhance and enrich our community and families by teaching recovered addicts and rehabilitated offenders how to return to society as productive, working members of the community by rebuilding family ties and creating a strong work ethic.

What Traditions Offers

  • Sober Living Phoenix
  • Halfway House Phoenix
  • A clean, respectful environment
  • Job search assistance & readiness
  • One-on-one guidance by qualified staff who have been there, done that
  • 12-step program, and cognitive/faith based recovery available
  • Facilities for men and women

Traditions Transitional Living Halfway House Phoenix helps you learn self-structure and personal accountability so you can start a productive life. To find FREEDOM.

Maybe you've been fighting your addiction. Or just got out of prison. Now what are you going to do?

You could go back to your old life. And the very triggers that got you off track in the first place. OR...

You could try something new. Invest some time in building your skills and making new habits that will help keep your sober. Find a community of people who get exactly where you've been and how you got there in the first place. Who can help you manage your sobriety, help you find a job, and help you reclaim your self-respect. Who can help you--perhaps most importantly of all--reconnect with family. You'll find that community and support at Traditions Transitional Living.

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Get Connected to What Matters.

A Clean, Respectful Sober Living Environment In Phoenix

Living spaces shared with other clients, guided by expectations of respect for one another and daily maintenance and respect for the space we all share.

Job search assistance and job readiness

Having a job is a requirement for residents at Traditions Sober Living. We help you with your job search, along with providing resume and interviewing advice and support.

One-On-One Guidance By Qualified Staff

Our staff can "talk the talk" because they've "walked the walk." With a deep level of compassion, along with generous servings of tough love, the Traditions staff's mission is personal--to give our clients the chance they deserve at success.

A Proven Sober Living Program in Phoenix

Our staff can "talk the talk" because they've "walked the walk." With a deep level of compassion, along with generous servings of tough love, the Traditions staff's mission is personal--to give our clients the chance they deserve at success.